Operation Thunder 2024

Police apprehend nearly 300 individuals engaging in unlawful behavior

The Public Security Police Force (PSP) has been carrying out its “Operation Thunder 2024”. The taskforce, coordinated by police authorities has been inspecting various establishments for the past four days and has increased patrols in key areas during the same period.

Over the past two days, a total of 91 officers from the Public Security Police Force (PSP) have been deployed across the city to conduct the operation. They have led inspections at numerous internet cafes, gaming centers, and massage parlors, billiard rooms, and bars in the Macau Peninsula, Taipa and Cotai.

During the operations recently (July 5 to July 8), a total of 291 people (196 men and 95 women) were intercepted and investigated. Among them, five individuals (four men and one woman) were found to be involved in illegal activities, including suspected illegal currency exchange and suspected supply of accommodation. The suspects have been handed over to the relevant departments for further proceedings.

In terms of vehicle inspections, a total of 66 vehicles were stopped, leading to seven prosecutions. Vehicle inspections were conducted at irregular points to prevent and combat various illegal acts and criminal activities.

The “taskforce uncovered several vehicular violations, including failure to use driving lights, tires not matching the registration certificate, lack of insurance, motorcycles with less than one year of driving qualification carrying passengers, failure to install identification marks, and improper installation of color lights.

“The police will continue to closely monitor the security situation in Macau and make timely adjustments to our operational deployments,” said a spokesperson for the PSP. Nadia Shaw

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