Deployment of ambulances to elderly homes is stabilizing

The number of calls received by the Fire Services Bureau (CB) for the deployment of ambulances to assist with emergencies related to elderly homes and similar institutions in Macau is stabilizing after having peaked during the pandemic. Such a conclusion can be taken from the figures provided to the Times by the CB in response to an inquiry.

According to CB, the number of ambulances deployed to attend emergencies at this type of institution has grown significantly since 2020 and until the end of 2022 (2,738 to 3,863 cases).

Last year (2023) was the first year that the number of cases dropped (3,695), that is, -168 cases than in the previous year but, in reality, and since there were fewer requests for ambulances in general, the service paid to elderly homes corresponded to 8.58% of all ambulance deployments in Macau last year.

Nonetheless, the figure of 2023 (3,695) represents the deployment, on average, of more than one ambulance to this type of institution per day.

The time that this type of service was accountable to a smaller percentage of CB services was back in 2019 when the service represented 6.31% of all ambulance deployments.

Although the number of deployments has reduced in 2023 it is still the second higher figure from the five years in analysis and represents a growth of over 1,000 cases per year (+39.6%) when compared year-on-year with 2019.

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