Casino dealer arrested over HKD600,000 gaming chip theft

A casino dealer has been arrested following an extensive chip theft operation that spanned over eight months.

The 49-year-old suspect, who had been working at the casino since 2019, is accused of stealing HKD600,000 worth of chips during this period.

The alleged theft came to light Oct. 4, when the casino notified the authorities about the suspect’s criminal activities.

An investigation revealed the dealer had stolen chips from the gaming table during two separate instances both on the previous day (Oct. 3).

On these occasions, the suspect had hidden a HKD10,000 chip between her thighs and tucked chips into the waistband of her clothing.

In the morning of the following day, the suspect attempted to steal again, but this time she was caught by the gaming table manager, who immediately alerted the authorities.

In total, the casino reported, at that time, the loss of HKD30,000 in chips, stolen between Oct. 3 and 4.

Further investigation by the authorities indicated the suspect had been stealing chips since February 2024, with each theft involving one to two chips, each valued at HKD10,000.

After calculations were made, the casino reached a total sum of HKD600,000 in stolen chips over eight months.

A search to the suspect residence by the Judiciary Police has found and seized HKD170,000 worth of chips.

Given the strong evidence of aggravated theft, the authorities have referred the suspect for further investigation and accusation by the Public Prosecutions Office on Oct. 5 while continuing to investigate the whereabouts of the remaining stolen chips, as many are still unaccounted for. Victoria Chan

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