Public Transport

The number of passengers transported by the LRT continued to grow in February

The Light Rapid Transit (LRT) system transported an average of 27,100 passengers daily in February. The figure represents the continuing increase in passenger numbers since the opening of the Hengqin Line to the public.

When compared year-on-year, the number of passengers transported this year was 62.28% higher than last year (when only the Taipa Line was in operation).

More significantly, the figure represents a month-to-month increase of 7.11% compared to January this year.

February’s growth in passenger numbers also accounts for the fifth consecutive growing month since October 2024.

LRT’s transport all-time record continues to be an average of 33,000 per day, recorded in December 2019, when the system first opened. However, this figure was achieved when the system was in trial operation and offering free rides to all passengers.

The February 2025 result of 27,100 passengers daily is, de facto, the highest figure reached under normal operations, surpassing the previous high of 25,300 passengers in January this year.

According to government officials, the LRT system’s usage is expected to continue growing, primarily due to the entry into operation of the Hengqin Line and the Seac Pai Van Line.

In a previous report from the Times on the system, passengers interviewed noted the need to facilitate access and commuting via the LRT and the main attractions, namely in the Taipa area and the Cotai.

Recently, some gaming operators have started to link their properties to the LRT stations via pedestrian flyovers with a highlight on Melco Resorts & Entertainment, which was the first to link their properties in Cotai to the LRT (Studio City to Lotus Station and City of Dreams to Cotai East). MGM China Holdings recently built a pedestrian flyover to link their MGM Cotai property to the Cotai East LRT Station.

These links primarily assist passengers who travel to Macau via the Taipa Maritime Ferry Terminal and the Macau International Airport in seamlessly reaching these properties and those using the Hengqin Line (in the case of Studio City).

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