Survey | Slight boost in local employees’ confidence

The latest survey released by the University of Science and Technology, gauging the confidence and satisfaction of local employees, has concluded that the city’s laborers have become slightly more confident and remain equally satisfied in general compared to last year.
The ninth edition of the research, carried out by the university’s Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD) in February, collected a total of 966 phone interviews from local employees aged 16 and above.
The overall index of employee confidence rose 1 percent, from 3.14 to 3.17 on a scale of 1 to 5. Nevertheless, the survey also saw a dip of 0.3 percent in local laborers’ confidence in the employment market.
According to the research, general satisfaction among local employers remains the same, at 3.31 based on the same scale, while the sub-index of personal development has fallen by 0.9 percent.
The two categories obtaining the highest scores were relationships with colleagues and superiors. The outcome, as the survey said, reflected the “city’s tradition of harmonious relationship among locals.”
However, the fourteen-page report also suggests that employers devote more support and attention to their employees, taking into account instances of high pressure at work and a lack of opportunity for promotion.
According to the research institute, laborers working in the gaming industry are more positive than before in regard to their work environments and to their treatment at work, due to the full smoking ban introduced in mass market gaming floors within casinos, and salary adjustments implemented during the past few months.
The survey reflected that respondents with a higher education background would be more likely to show higher confidence and satisfaction. It also noted that the older the respondent, the less confidence they possessed.

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