More than 100,000 officials caught in austerity push

iDQ4hhLldKOMThe top anti-graft body of China’s Communist Party said yesterday that more than 100,000 officials have been reprimanded since late 2012 for violating policies mandating more austere working practices.
The party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said in its monthly report that 5,340 officials were reprimanded in December 2014, the most recent month studied. That pushed the two-year total of reprimanded officials to 102,168.
The party introduced the rules in December 2012 requiring officials to minimize meetings, cut government spending and follow strict housing and vehicle limits.
The party has also launched a sweeping anti-corruption campaign that it says has ensnared tens of thousands of officials, including top members of the party. The campaigns have hit sales of luxury items, fine dining and gambling in Macau.
Over the weekend, the party announced plans to launch a campaign to improve the behavior of officials at the county level and above, with particular focus on abuses of power and disloyalty to the party.
On Friday, the Finance Ministry said the central government would further encourage frugality by cutting budgets for overseas travel, official vehicles and receptions by 11.7 percent this year. AP

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