Mainland rebukes ‘Hong Kong independence’ activities

Mainland China authorities have underscored their “resolute opposition” to any form of “Hong Kong independence” activities inside or outside of the special administrative region’s (SAR) Legislative Council (LegCo), according to an official statement issued on Monday.
The statement, issued by the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council, noted that certain organizations and candidates were publicly advocating for “Hong Kong independence,” capitalizing on the exposure afforded to them because of the election for the sixth-term LegCo of the Hong Kong SAR.
The statement reiterated that “Hong Kong independence” was against the Constitution of China, the Basic Law, and relevant laws of the neighboring region, and that it was a threat to China’s sovereignty and security which damages the prosperity and stability of HKSAR.
“We firmly support the Hong Kong SAR government to mete out penalties according to law,” the statement said.
The election for the sixth-term LegCo of the Hong Kong SAR was held on Sunday.
The elected members are expected to fulfill their duties according to the Basic Law and relevant laws of Hong Kong, and to implement the “one country, two systems” principle, in an effort to protect the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, according to the statement.
The term of office of the newly-elected sixth-term LegCo members will begin on Oct. 1, 2016.  MDT/Xinhua

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