IC opens applications for ‘Latin Parade’


The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) will accept submissions for performance proposals for this year’s “Parade through Macao, Latin City” between September 23 and 25. Local and overseas groups have been invited to attend and participate.
The annual parade, which focuses on the Historic Centre of Macau, has run since 2011. According to the IC, the parade is an opportunity for local artists to partake in a cultural exchange with international performers, at a time when the government is focusing on the cultural and creative industries to diversify Macau’s economy.
This year’s parade will take place on December 4, with the theme, “VIVA’s Adventure.” Inspired by the ancient Chinese text, “Classic of Mountains and Seas”, the parade will narrate the tale of how VIVA – a character created especially for the event – journeys from Macau to the East, exploring global customs and traditions along the way.
The best performance will win an award, and the winning group will have a chance to represent Macau at the “Asian Ethnic Cultural Performances” in Hong Kong.
Those interested in submitting performance proposals should submit their documents to the IC building, located at Tap Seac Square between September 23 and 25. Details of the application are available on the IC website.

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