NPC | Zhang affirms China has last word on CE appointment

Zhang Dejiang

Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), has said that the central government attaches great importance to the elections due to be held this year in Hong Kong and Macau, as the results will affect the SARs’ prosperity and stability.

According to Chinese press, Zhang pointed out that the central government hopes that Hong Kong’s Chief Executive election unfolds smoothly towards the election of a patriotic Chief Executive (CE) who loves Hong Kong and is trusted by the central government, as well as being capable of governance and of drawing the support of the Hong Kong people.

While expressing his wish to the 6th Macau’s Legislative Assembly (AL) election, Zhang hoped that the AL could sustain Macau’s stability and defend the SAR government’s decision so that they could be implemented effectively and in accordance with the law.

According to a Chinese report, Zhang Dejiang, in a remark about the upcoming Hong Kong CE election, said that the central government has absolute appointment rights over the CE.

Zhang also remarked that the central government has higher requirements of the CE, compared to other lower level government officials.

Macau CPPCC delegate Leong Sio Pui stated that Zhang Deijiang hopes the people of Macau will elect leaders from associations that act on a principle of “loving the country and Macau,” to ensure that the AL consists of a patriotic majority.

On Monday morning, Zhang Dejiang joined a panel discussion with Macau’s CPPCC delegates. Zhang encouraged Macau to take the initiative to participate in the administration of national affairs.

Macau delegate Lao Ngai Leong commented on the meeting with Zhang, saying that despite the Macau delegation being small, its speech was built on high standards.

According to delegate José Chui, the members of Macau CPPCC will file a minimum of 60 proposals in Beijing, hoping that the central government can solve some of the issues in Macau, such as improving its elderly care services.

Categories Macau