Architect to discuss urban construction at seminar

Architect Siza Cham will host a seminar at the Albergue on Apr. 1 to discuss topics related to urban construction.

Apart from being a founder and director of TCDI Architects, Cham is also a consultant at the Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management of the University of Macau.

At the seminar, he will focus on three areas related to urban construction, namely architectural design of large-scale urban public buildings, from plot analysis to project implementation; project design sharing of real estate residences, apartment complexes, and corporate headquarters buildings; as well as urban architectural planning, urban upgrading planning, urban renovation, characteristic town industrial park/creative park projects, project case analysis and sharing.

Discussions will be carried out on three types of building renovation, activation, authentic restoration of aged buildings and innovative renovations of old building.

Interested participants are required to register online first, and pay the registration fee at the Office of the Albergue. The registration fee is MOP500. For members of the Architects Association of Macau or the Macau Institute of Engineers, the registration fee is MOP300. Registration is open from now until Mar. 31.

The seminar will be conducted in Cantonese. MDT

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