Cambodian police said yesterday that they have detained three men, including a timber trader, believed to be linked to the weekend shooting death of a local journalist who was investigating illegal logging in the country’s east.
Freelance journalist Taing Try, 49, was shot in the forehead and died instantly early Sunday at a remote forestry site in Kratie province, said Sok Sovann, who heads the Khmer Journalists for Democracy Association. Illegal logging is rampant in Cambodia, and often occurs under the protection of government agencies or influential people, environmental groups have charged.
Taing Try was investigating illegal timber trading with several colleagues at the time of the shooting. Sok Savann said that at around midnight Saturday they observed timber being transported on several ox carts, and that afterward — when their vehicle got stuck in the mud on a dirt road — they were approached by the timber’s owners.
The Buzz | Cambodia detains 3 after journalist is killed
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