The Buzz | Trump threat to cut aid raises stakes in UN Jerusalem vote

President Donald Trump’s threat to cut off U.S. funding to countries that oppose his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital raised the stakes in today’s U.N. vote and sparked criticism at his tactics, which one Muslim group called bullying or blackmail.

But at the start of an emergency General Assembly meeting ahead of the vote, representatives of Arab, Islamic and non-aligned nations rejected his threat and urged a “yes” vote against the U.S. unilateral decision on Jerusalem.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki, who flew here for the meeting, called the U.S. action “an aggression on the status of Jerusalem” and said “those who want peace must vote for peace today.”

Trump told reporters that Americans are tired of being taken advantage of by countries that take hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars, and then vote against the United States.

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