Larry Campbell is a highly regarded producer and ridiculously versatile sideman who can play about any instrument you hand him.
Even so, like many males, Campbell might have married out of his league. His wife, Teresa Williams, is a captivating performer and dirt-road alto equally adept at tender ballads, rustic waltzes and blues stompers.
Happily, Campbell and Williams go great together. Their self-titled debut album is full of delightful duets, and it helps that Campbell wrote a batch of strong songs, most sung with a wink.
The Helm family makes a significant contribution. Levon plays drums on one song, recorded not long before his death, and his daughter Amy adds vocals on the Grateful Dead’s “Attics of My Life,” delivered in airtight three-part harmony.
The album’s highlight is another cover, the Rev. Gary Davis’ “Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning,” sung by Williams with full-throated glory sure to convert any skeptic. Steven Wine, AP
Campbell steps front and center with wife
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