Cargo from HK can now take the delta bridge

With the opening of a cargo handling facility at the Macau side of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, cargo from Hong Kong can now be transported via either maritime or land routes.

Yesterday saw the opening of the cross-boundary cargo transfer station at the Macau side of the bridge, marking the commencement of transport of cargo via land from Hong Kong. The station is designed to handle 800 vehicles per day.

According to Tai Kin Ip, director of Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT), 24 enterprise users have registered to use the new station. The number equates to 106 trucks that will offer Macau-Hong Kong cargo transfer.

During his speech, the bureau director said the opening of the new facility would bring new opportunities to the logistics industry in Macau. The operation of the new facility, meanwhile, will further deepen the cooperation between Macau and Hong Kong, fully realize the comprehensive advantages of the two cities, promote regional economic synergies and achieve economic diversification in Macau.

The government has also established a dedicated website for the new facility. Interested users of the facility should pre-register on the website each time they want to use the facility. AL

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