Close contacts of recent cases tested negative 

Health authorities said that as of yesterday, all close contacts in Macau and those who had traveled to the high risk areas of Zhongshan and Zhuhai received negative test results. Four people were listed as close contacts of cases in Zhuhai and Zhongshan, three of whom were in Macau. So far, a total of 13 nucleic acid test results have been negative. A total of 18,769 people who voluntarily declared themselves as close contacts through the Macau Health Code saw their code change to yellow.

529,000 Macau Health Code downloads 

As of 4 p.m. yesterday, the cumulative number of registered users of the Macau Health Code mobile application exceeded 529,000. Authorities have appealed to residents to download it as soon as possible, and young people have been encouraged to help older residents download and use the application. Amid worries of personal data breaches, the Health Bureau provided assurance that health codes will not be screen-captured and that the data will only be stored for 28 days. No identifiable personal data will be collected, the bureau promised. 

Gov’t advises public to disinfect overseas parcels 

The government advised residents to disinfect parcels received from overseas, following recent reports of Covid-19 cases in China linked to packages that arrived from abroad. “When opening a postal item, they should try to do it outdoors. If they need to take it home, they can use a chlorine disinfectant […] to completely disinfect the inside and outside of the package,” the statement from the Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau read. The bureau acknowledged that procedures for disinfecting the post offices could result in delivery delays. 

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