
Dutch artist brings ‘Eggspression’ to Macau

Galaxy Macau has unveiled a new art exhibition, partnering with renowned Dutch artist Henk Hofstra, presenting the “Eggspression” installation inside a venue in the Pearl Lobby.

This marks the first time Hofstra has presented his work indoors, and he is elated with the results.

While most of Hofstra’s works are in outdoor public spaces around the world, this indoor exhibition in Macau still embodies his signature style and thought-provoking themes.

Regardless of the location, Hofstra’s artistic vision remains consistent, as all his projects encourage viewers to contemplate important societal issues and our relationship with the planet.

“All my projects have something to do with how we see things. What is happening, where we came from, what we do and what we do with our planet,” he said.

This art installation holds dual meanings for Hofstra.

“First of all, an egg, it is a symbol of the beginning. It’s not only a symbol, it is the beginning of life. It’s fugal and it mostly arises out of love.”

However, the fried egg imagery also serves as a metaphor for the effects of global warming.

“A lot of years ago, we went in our holidays to the south of France. And when we are there, it’s so hot the last years, we can fry an egg on the hood of our car. And that’s also the meaning of these eggs. It’s so hot, we can do it on the hood of a car. But nowadays, with global warming, we can fry an egg on the streets, on the roads, on the squares,” Hofstra said.

Henk Hofstra

Through his installations, Hofstra wants visitors to reflect on these environmental and societal issues, while also promoting unity and compassion.

“So let us think about each other, think about the people we love, think about our neighbors, think about other countries and work together for a better and beautiful world full of love,” the artist said.

Hofstra’s art aims to encourage people to think about important issues and address public topics, presenting familiar elements of life in unexpected and thought-provoking ways.

His early project “The Blue Road” in the Netherlands in 2007 reimagined a former waterway as a public installation, while “Invasion of Ants” earned him the prestigious Sign+ Award in 2010.

His ongoing “Eggs Fall from the Sky” series has traveled from the Netherlands to Chile, Brazil, Portugal, Sao Paulo, Bilbao, Wuhan, Beijing, and now to Macau, providing audiences with an immersive experience that transcends barriers and inspires positive change.

Hofstra believes the true measure of success is people’s reaction, and his goal is to bring joy and a fresh perspective to those who experience his large-scale public art installations. Howard Tong

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