
Fact of both sides of Taiwan Strait belonging to one China will not change: spokesperson

No matter how the political situation on the Taiwan island changes, it will not change the historical and legal facts that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, and the historical trend that China will eventually be reunified and will inevitably be reunified, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said yesterday.

Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a daily press briefing in response to a related query.

He said that the vast majority of countries and international and regional organizations in the world stand firmly with the Chinese government and people, and support China’s just cause of opposing “Taiwan independence” and promoting reunification.

Certain politicians from a few countries engage in political manipulation and “personal shows” on Taiwan-related issues, which has seriously interfered in China’s internal affairs and violated the one-China principle, said Wang. “China strongly condemns such moves and will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Wang said the general trend of history in unstoppable, and “Taiwan independence” is doomed to run into a dead end. There is no way out for external forces to interfere in China’s internal affairs and condone and support “Taiwan independence,” and “using Taiwan to contain China” is bound to fail.

“The day will come when China is completely reunified,” said the spokesperson.


A spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said Lai Ching-te has sent “a dangerous signal” of seeking “Taiwan independence” and making provocations to undermine cross-Strait peace and stability in his speech upon assuming the role of Taiwan region’s new leader.

Chen Binhua described Lai’s speech as one that stubbornly followed the “Taiwan independence” stance, wantonly advocated separatism, incited cross-Strait confrontation and sought independence by relying on foreign support and by force.

Chen said the mainstream public aspiration on the island is for peace and development, instead of war and recession, while Lai has ignored the public opinion, exposing his nature of being “a worker for Taiwan independence.”


Last week, the Ministry of National Defense said China will resolutely and decisively counter all activities and external support of “Taiwan independence.”

Spokesperson Zhang Xiaogang made the remarks on Friday in response to a media query about recent military interactions between the United States and China’s Taiwan region.

Zhang urged the United States to be fully aware of the sensitivity of the Taiwan question, cease any form of official exchanges and military contacts with the Taiwan region, and refrain from sending wrong signals to the separatists advocating “Taiwan independence.”

He also warned that the attempts made by Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party authorities to seek independence with the support of the United States and resist reunification with force are doomed to fail.  Xinhua Reporters, Xinhua

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