Federation of Trade Unions delivers petition calling for harsher smoke ban

Federation of Trade Unions delivers petition calling for harsher smoke ban

Federation of Trade Unions delivers petition calling for harsher smoke ban

The Federation of Trade Unions handed yesterday morning a petition to the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lionel Leong.
The petition calls on authorities to enforce measures relating to the Casino smoke ban in order to protect workers’ health.
The organization claims that some casinos have been violating local regulations by allowing its visitors to smoke occasionally and that, in order to bypass the law, they have also being installing VIP rooms in their central areas calling them “smoking lounges.” In some cases, these arrangements are made without permission from the authorities.
The Federation also said that in order to help affected workers, they have been collecting relevant information in the casinos and have launched a platform for reporting such cases.
According to data disclosed by the Federation, some 90 complaints have already been made since the platform was launched on July 21. Some of these complaints have been forwarded to the relevant law enforcement authorities, but the problems have persisted, the Federation informed.
According to the association a total of 86 smoking lounges have been authorized and another 21 requests are still being processed.  RM

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