Forum on industrial integration opens in Macau

A forum on finance, science, technology, innovation and industrial integration in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area opened yesterday in the city.

Organized by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area Entrepreneurs Union, the forum pooled together government and business representatives as well as experts and scholars in the three regions to offer their advice to the industrial integration and development of the Greater Bay Area.

Ho Iat Seng, chief executive of the Macau SAR, said in a video speech that the forum can further help the industrial world build a platform for sharing experiences and exploring frontier technologies, so as to inject new vitality into the scientific and technological industrial consolidation in the Greater Bay Area.

Ho welcomed entrepreneurs in the Greater Bay Area to invest in Macau and the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, neighboring Zhuhai City.

Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive John Lee said in a video that finance, innovation, science and technology are all development priorities for Hong Kong and Macau, which boast limitless potential in promoting cooperation between the two SARs and the integration of Hong Kong into overall national development.

Zhang Xin, vice governor of Guangdong, said the province would continue supporting the union to better leverage its platform advantages to promote the integrated development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

The union’s members include representatives of major chambers of commerce and enterprises in the three regions, covering traditional industries, high technology, high-end service industry as well as management of businesses with different sources of funding from Hong Kong, other countries and the mainland. Xinhua

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