Gov’t to launch ‘consumption carnival’ in Northern District to boost spending

The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) has announced that it is launching a “Consumption Carnival” from March 18 in Macau’s Northern District, aiming to boost consumption in that part of the city.

According to a DSEDT statement, the carnival will run for 20 weeks until August 4.

Through the common method of discounts and lucky draw prizes via electronic payment methods, the government aims to attract more locals as well as visitors to spend in the Northern District, an area said to be particularly affected by the proximity of the Border Gate and where many residents usually shop across the border.

The activity is supported by the Macao Chamber of Commerce and the Industry and Commerce Association of Macau Northern District which will sponsor some of the prizes to be offered to consumers.

In the final lucky draw, prizes will reach as high as 500,000 patacas.

Just recently, a representative of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Macau has raised concerns about the potential closure of businesses in non-tourist districts.

Fong Kin Fu, the president of the Federal General Commercial Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises, highlighted the decline in business activity and spending in residential areas, particularly in northern Macau. While the recent influx of visitors to Macau during CNY has undoubtedly helped local SMEs, Fong believes more focus needs to be redirected towards non-tourist districts.  RM

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