In Hong Kong, a heart-wrenching scenario unfolds as ethnic minority women, born or raised in the city, narrate their experiences of being pressured into forced marriages. A recent report by the Zubin Foundation, released last week ahead of International Women’s Day, sheds light on this distressing issue, highlighting the plight of 11 women coerced into matrimony against their will. These women, interviewed by accredited mediator Sala Sihombing, shared harrowing tales of psychological pressure, verbal, and even physical abuse. The report underscores the gendered nature of forced marriages, often starting from a young age with some victims married off as children. The foundation’s CEO, Shalini Mahtani, emphasizes the need for awareness and support for those trapped in such dire circumstances, advocating for societal and legal interventions to protect vulnerable individuals.
Hong Kong women pressured into forced marriages
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