IAS calls for early recognition of dementia

The Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) hopes to increase awareness of dementia so that families with elderly members can recognize the illness as soon as possible and avoid missing chances for early treatment.
The bureau’s Department of Social Solidarity head, Choi Sio Un, said on yesterday’s TDM radio show that about five per cent of the local elderly population show symptoms of dementia, according to research conducted by the Kiang Wu Hospital. However, many patients and their families regard memory decline as a common sign of ageing, and thus ignore the early symptoms of the disease.
Choi said that the IAS has been actively encouraging society to identify the illness over recent years to ensure that patients seek early treatment in order to prevent deterioration. The government has also planned to establish specialized medical facilities to treat and prevent dementia, as proposed in its recent draft framework for elderly support.
According to the Health Bureau’s medical director, Ng Hou, the proportion of those experiencing dementia is growing alongside the ageing population. He suggested that society should not expect a cure through medication, and that it is important to support and educate caretakers.

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