IC calls for Fringe Festival proposals

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) is now calling for program proposals for the 18th Macao City Fringe Festival which will be held in January next year, showcasing the city’s “creative and innovative spirit”. According to the IC, local cultural associations, artists and producers are invited to submit proposals by 5 p.m. on July 23.

Macau artists and cultural associations registered with the Identification Services Bureau are welcome to submit their applications. The programs can be local or site-specific art projects, overseas works or cross-regional collaborations produced in any art form.

Adopting the concept “All around the city, our stages, our patrons, our artists,” the Fringe Festival brings a variety of artistic and creative works to the city, breaking the barriers of traditional performance venues.

For the last two festivals, the majority of the programs were selected through an open call for proposals that, according to the IC, had a remarkable response from art groups and producers.

In order to create more opportunities for exchange between local groups and foreign artists, the festival organizers will invite industry professionals, event planners and producers from other regions to come to the city.

Additionally, some of the productions in the 18th Macao City Fringe Festival that “show greater potential” will have the chance to be presented at the 31st Macau Arts Festival.

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