IC: Macao Conservatory employs small number of non-local instructors

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) has denied reports the Macao Conservatory has more non-local dance instructors than local instructors.

Earlier this week, the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) called on the public conservatory to address concerns about the long-term employment of blue card holders at its dance school.

This comes after the watchdog received a report from an individual about the dance school’s recruitment practices.

According to the CCAC, the report alleges the school employs a significant number of dance teachers from mainland China on long-term contracts.

Speaking on the sidelines of the handover anniversary, Leong Wai Man said that when the school was established, there was a shortage of teachers in relevant majors in Macau.

After more than 10 years of training, there are now enough professionals.

Accordingly, in the last two years, the number of non-local instructors has been gradually reduced.

Currently, of the 10 professional dance teachers, three are non-local.

The CCAC has called on the bureau to use a “correct interpretation and application of the legal framework governing the entry and exit of employees from outside Macau.” Staff Reporter

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