In response to media questions, the president of IC refused to offer any further comments as to whether the view of the Guia Lighthouse would be affected by the construction of a flyover that will link Zone A and Zone B of new landfills.
Deland Leong noted that, according to the IC evaluation, the construction of the flyover will not have a significant impact on the view of the lighthouse. “There is no need for any further actions,” she said.
On whether the IC would communicate with UNESCO about this, and as to whether after the flyover’s construction the situation would be different to current expectations, she said, “Your question is just a hypothesis and I will not comment on it. What we did was what we had to do; that is, to verify if the construction of the flyover would clash with the provisions stated in the Chief Executive dispatch 83/2008. That is what we did,” she said. “Additionally, we need to see that the flyover is a structure but not a building.”
The dispatch 83/2008 sets the maximum height of buildings in view of the lighthouse and was established in response to UNESCO’s recommendation, after the property was listed on the World Heritage List. RM
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