IFT students thanked for support of creative industries

Final year students of the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management program at the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) have successfully completed a visual merchandizing and store design project. The project was organized to support two companies in the development of various stores. Number 55 Co. Ltd and Number 81 Co. Ltd are the companies responsible for the development of a number of stores in Rua de Nossa Senhora do Amparo and Patio de Chon Sau, and also “One Creative Arts Department Store.” The companies are currently assessing opportunities to turn some of these ideas into reality by forming teams of IFT students once they graduate. It is hoped that projects like these will support the MSAR government’s strategic vision for economic diversification.

Coluna-TIS-3TIS makes technology investment splash

The International School of Macao (TIS) says it has invested heavily in technological resources in recent years, leading to a number of new initiatives and technology purchases that have benefited some 1,250 students. “The amount of technology, as well as the use of technology, continues to grow at TIS,” Technology Coordinator Mel Varqa remarked. According to a press release, the new technologies include the institution’s investment in new “wired” lockers, which feature power sockets for charging laptops and other mobile devices. The latest purchases include two 3D printers and a CNC laser cutter, which are used primarily by the high school’s robotics program. TIS says that it now employs two full-time technology integration staff members who provide technological support and who help teachers integrate technology into the classroom.

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