Japan | Osaka-based party proposes bill on problem gambling

An opposition political party in Japan, with the base of its support in Osaka, has proposed new legislation to tackle problem gambling in the hope of attracting legislative support for the city to be selected for an integrated resort license.

According to The Japan Times, the move represents a bid to expedite the country’s debate on gambling after the initial green light was given by the Japanese Diet late last year.

A delay in the country’s legislative system would be unsatisfactory to the party, which has its own timetable for an Osaka casino, the media outlet reported.

“The Nippon Ishin bill sets out a variety of measures to deal with problem gamblers to ensure that the problem is dealt with in a comprehensive manner,” said Hitoshi Asada, the party’s policy chief.

The legislation outlines proposals for dealing with crime, suicide, poverty and debt that might be incurred or caused by gambling.

It also proposes the establishment of greater regulations on potential casino operators, including strict rules for casino advertising, the possibility of admission charges and the presence of medical professionals in place to provide assistance where needed. Moreover, public relations campaigns would be directed to educate and remind people of the dangers of gambling.

Meanwhile, according to the party, the responsibility to handle problem gamblers should be split between the central government, local authorities, casino operators, health professionals, as well as the general public in Japan.

Nippon Ishin no Kai is a center-right political party in Japan, drawing the majority of its support from Japan’s third-largest city, Osaka, and the nearby areas.

It was formed only in 2015 but has become the third-
largest opposition party in the country’s National Diet, despite its ideological closeness to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

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