
Macau to experience effects of Typhoon Mawar over the weekend

Super Typhoon Mawar, which is in the western Pacific near the island of Guam, will potentially affect local weather conditions.

According to forecasts, the typhoon should get close to or hit the area of Luzon Island in the Philippines Sunday evening, but then change track to the northeast, passing east of Taiwan and heading towards east Japan.

Although the effects of the typhoon on Macau are expected to be small, the proximity of the tropical cyclone, which has reached Super Typhoon level with winds reaching over 200 km/h, will bring unstable weather conditions with very hot weather that progressively transforms into rain and potential thunderstorms around Monday or Tuesday, according to the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG).

For the time being, Philippine authorities have said the typhoon is not expected to hit any region of the country.

At the end of March, the SMG released their usual forecast, noting that Macau could be influenced by up to eight tropical cyclones this year. The bureau also noted that the temperatures during this period are likely to be higher than in previous years. RM

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