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MGM Presents a Unique CNY Citywalk Experience to the Community

MGM has launched a fresh revitalization initiative “Barra Spring Fest” – in which MGM has extended its arts & culture ingenuity and network into the Barra district. In collaboration with local SMEs, artists, and performers to jointly inject contemporary, trendy, artistic and lifestyle elements, MGM would like to celebrate the concept of “Living Art in Style” with the community. This event gives fresh impetus to Navy Yard No. 1 & 2 of Barra District, by bringing in fun-filled, exclusive CNY happenings ranging from arts & culture, leisure, refreshments, shopping, and more – with a view to revitalizing Barra district into a novel social and cultural hub.

During Chinese New Year, MGM invited over a hundred families and young friends from various NGOs including S.K.H. Macau Social Services Coordination Office, Cartias Macau Family Center, Associação de Agricultores de Macau (Youth activity center), General Association of Chinese Students of Macau, and Macao New Chinese Youth Association, who enjoyed “Barra Spring Fest”, special “Tales of Auspicious Dragon” Guided Art Tour with a theme centered around the revered Chinese “Dragon” culture at MGM COTAI and other thrilling community activities together with MGM’s Golden Lion volunteer team. 

Moreover, the event encompassed “Reminiscences of Barra: A Visual Journey” – Archives and Arts Exhibition housed at the Navy Yard No.1, which showcased the captivating photography and artworks by local artists, offering a profound insight into the distinctive history, culture, and scenic ambiance of the Barra District. MGM is delighted to present an extraordinary and unforgettable Chinese New Year CityWalk experience for all participants.

To foster educational tourism in Macau, the Barra district has also welcomed over a hundred students from “Greater Bay Area Future Community AI Technology Innovation Application Workshop” earlier, who aim to delve deeper into Macau’s culture, local communities, and city revitalization for their future research endeavors. They will leverage AI technology to reimagine public spaces and communities with the target of promoting an enhanced quality of life. The Barra district served as one of this workshop’s primary case studies.

In the future, there will be a plethora of diverse events hosted in the Barra district, offering the community even more exhilarating and distinctive experiences. MGM expects that a larger audience will appreciate the profound historical legacy and unique charm of Barra.


Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau



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