
Outdoor performance venue for up to 50,000 spectators coming to Cotai by 2025

The Macau Outdoor Performance Area will be established on a 94,000 square meter state-owned land in Cotai, as announced by the government yesterday. This temporary venue is projected to be operational by 2025 and has the capacity to accommodate approximately 50,000 spectators.

The establishment of this performance area near Grand Lisboa Palace will provide ideal conditions for Macau to host large-scale outdoor events in the future and attract top-notch performances to the region, according to the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

Over the years, numerous large-scale performing arts events have taken place in Macau. Apart from indoor venues, there has been a growing demand for large outdoor performance spaces.

After consideration of the city’s spatial conditions, geographical location, and other factors, the Cotai site was chosen.

Various departments of the SAR government are currently working on program design and project bidding for the performance area.

Equipped with essential facilities for hosting large-scale performances, the Macao Outdoor Performance Area will leverage the new venue’s amenities to bring in international-level performing arts programs, the IC pledged.

It aims to attract both domestic and foreign organizations planning cultural festivals, performing arts events, and touring activities on a grand scale to Macau.

The need for such a venue has been long discussed by officials, particularly after a recent concert by K-pop group Seventeen at the Olympic Sports Centre Stadium.

The January event sparked a wave of noise and traffic complaints from nearby residents. The event also resulted in damage to the stadium’s pitch, which the promoter was required to pay for.

To address these issues, the government established an interdepartmental task group to coordinate and handle applications for large-scale outdoor events in public facilities.

Social Affairs and Culture Secretary Elsie Ao Ieong stressed the need for an outdoor space capable of “accommodating at least 20,000 people,” as local resorts currently offer a range of indoor venues but lack a suitable outdoor space for such events – even if the outdoor concert area is a temporary setup.

While there is currently no timeline for the hosting of events and performances on the site, the project is expected to be a significant addition to Macau’s entertainment landscape. LV/NS

Categories Macau