Photo Shop | BBAM holds Annual Ball with horror theme

The British Business Association of Macau held its Annual Ball on Saturday, June 23 at StarWorld Macau. Guests entered into the spirit of the occasion, embracing the theme of horror to celebrate 200 years since the publication of Mary Shelley’s novel, “Frankenstein”. 

Whilst funds from the Ball help towards the professional running of BBAM’s offices, 50 percent of profits are guaranteed to go to CSR projects that support local Macau students facing financial difficulties and helping them to complete their education.

DSL Lawyers and guests out to party hard

Bank of China Diamond Sponsors and guests

ICBC’s group

Mr and Mrs Gallagher, British Consulate General HK and Macau

Henry and Vrisca Brockman

MC Lovely Cox enjoys a joke with Jardines’ guests

BNU’s David Cheang, Seng Loi, Matt and Herby Lei, Sam Tou and Seng Loi

GEG’s Monita So, Liviano Lacchia, Dale and Trevor Martin, Charles So


The Shining brought to life by Keith Lawson, Juliet Risdon and Sue Kendall

The Bessmertny Family & a disguised Mikael Kraemer

Geoff Benham with Matt and Peta Houghton

Michael Gu, Melina Leong, Maggie Chan, Athena and James Law

Lydia Hidayati and Bob McBain


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