Water suspension at Rua de Sacadura Cabral amid broken underground pipes

Water suspension at Rua de Sacadura Cabral amid broken underground pipes

Water supply has been suspended Sunday evening in the neighborhood of Rua de Sacadura Cabral, and two temporary points of supply were set up.

Water supplier Macao Water later discovered that it was caused by minor leakage in an underground pipeline in the district.

At about 8:30pm on Sunday, Macao Water received reports of suspension or insufficient water supply from nearby residents, who live between Nos 19 and 43 on the street.

The water supplier is investigating the reason behind the leakage.

Yesterday saw the city’s first typhoon signal No 8 for this year. Public broadcaster TDM’s Chinese Radio Macau reported that residents felt the need to obtain water outdoors amid the extreme weather conditions.

Several residents – among them some seniors – approached the two temporary water supply points to get water for cooking, flushing and other daily activities.

A Mr Lei told the public broadcaster that he had to get water from the street hose Sunday evening for his shower and yesterday morning again for cooking breakfast. He felt annoyed and had pain in his knees.

Some senior residents had to obtain water by themselves because other family members were traveling in Mainland China. A Ms Kuan accepted the situation as an accident and is not upset. On Sunday evening, she bought bottled water for use. Knowing that two street hoses were available, she decided to collect some pipe water for use.

As of press time, Macao Water has not yet released the reason behind the leakage, or any repair plans. Road works triggered by a variety of reasons – water, electricity, telecom, among other reasons – happen each year, but underground water leakage is not common.

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