Sou and Chiang trial to kick-off on January 9

The case which involves current lawmaker Sulu Sou, as well as former leader of New Macau Association, Scott Chiang, has been scheduled to start on January 9 at the Court of First Instance.
They are facing charges of qualified disobedience to police authorities, allegedly perpetrated after a demonstration on May 15, 2016, when the association led a street protest against the Macao Foundation over the subsidy granted to the Jinan University in Guangdong for the amount of RMB100Million.

The trial was initially scheduled for last month, but was postponed on request of the president of the Legislative Assembly (AL), so the legislative body could count the vote regarding the suspension of the mandate of Sou as lawmaker and his consequent ability to be present in court.

The voting occurred last week when the AL plenary voted for the suspension of the mandate of Sou, with 28 votes in favor and only four against.

Since the accusation of Sou and Chiang was public, several people have been accusing this case as being politically motivated, which has been refuted by the Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak.

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