Taiwan | French MPs arrive in the island for visit amid China tensions

A group of six French lawmakers arrived in Taiwan for a five-day visit yesterday, following a similar trip led by a group of French parliamentarians in October that China sought to discourage.

François de Rugy, the head of the Taiwan Friendship group in the National Assembly, the lower house of France’s Parliament, is leading the latest delegation’s visit, which will include meetings with Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen and other senior cabinet officials.

“We wish to have exchanges on all dimensions of the relations between Taiwan, the EU and France on the economy and culture and all the issues at stake for our countries,” de Rugy told reporters at the airport.

In October, another group of French lawmakers led by Sen. Alain Richard met with Tsai, Taiwanese economic and health officials, and the Mainland Affairs Council. That visit was part of regular parliamentary exchanges that had been ongoing for years. 

China tried to get the previous visit called-off, with its embassy in France saying ahead of time that it would not only damage China’s core interests and undermine Chinese-French relations, but would also impact France’s own “reputation and interests.”

Speaking to reporters about the visit, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian yesterday reiterated that “China firmly opposes any forms of official and political exchanges between Taiwan and countries having diplomatic ties with China.” 

Zhao called on countries to “earnestly abide by the one-China principle.”

In a commentary, the Communist Party tabloid Global Times called the visit “an insignificant stunt by trivial French politicians,” citing a Chinese expert. MDT/AP

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