Two new recycling centers opened

In an effort to expand the community’s network of recycling facilities, the Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) opened two new Recycling Centers yesterday to allow for round-the-clock neighborhood recycling.

The new centers – located at Rua de Inácio Baptista, Praia do Manduco, and Rua da Ponte Negra, at Taipa – join the existing network of now six recycling centers located around the Peninsula and Islands, as part of a project implemented in November 2018.

The previous four centers are located in the Seac Pai Van, Ilha Verde, Toi San, and Iao Hon districts.

DSPA stated that the two new centers are designed to respond to the needs of citizens, and to encourage them to engage in environmentally responsible action.

In the future, DSAP intends to open more of these centers according to the different areas of the city and the availability of venues that can hold them.

As the Ponte Negra Center entered into operation, the recycling stations installed on the street under the “Green Points Program” ceased operation and will soon be relocated to other areas.

In the same statement, the bureau reminded the population that, in line the Chief Executive order No. 122/2021, the import of disposable plastic straws and non-biodegradable plastic disposable drink mixers will be banned from January 1 next year.

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