UM alumni and staff propose opening old campus to culture groups

IMG_3307Three members from the Concern Group of the University of Macau Old Campus petitioned at the government headquarters yesterday, urging the authorities to launch a public consultation on how the old campus of the University of Macau (UM) could be used in the future.
The petition was addressed to the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Cheong U: “We demand that the government undertake open and extensive consultation as soon as possible on the future use of the old campus. The operation of the campus should be transferred to parties that are able to fully utilize the campus on the principles of equity, openness, fairness, and value for money,” they stated.
The group noticed that the administration has increased funding and other support for the development of art, culture and the creative industries. “We would like to pose a suggestion to the government, such as leasing the site to local artistic and cultural groups at a lower rent. Other facilities can also serve different purposes. For example, the dormitories of UM can be used as budget hotels; the parking lot can be open for public use. Of course, all of these suggestions should go through public consultation first,” said Kam Sut Leng, a former UM student.
To avoid “under-the-table agreements” being reached by the government and other parties, the group said that they are running an online campaign, encouraging citizens to donate money towards placing an advertisement that will urge the authorities to undertake public consultation over usage of the old campus.
The group pointed out in their petition that much of the extra government funding has been transferred to landlords due to the rapid rental hike. “The players in the artistic and cultural scene, as well as the cultural and creative industry, have to struggle to stay afloat. Before the future use of the old campus is confirmed, we suggest that the government allocate the empty campus to players in the fields stated above in order to establish an art village,” read their statement.
According to the most recent response from Secretary Cheong U, some of the university faculties are still in the process of moving to the Hengqin campus. As a result, he has not made a decision on the future of the old site, fearing that it would add pressure to the relocation process. However, he reiterated that the campus would not be used for commercial purposes.
The Concern Group is comprised of ten members, including teachers, staff, UM alumni, as well as some students from other universities.  GY

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