Women’s Federation calls for better maternal care

During this year’s World Breastfeeding Week, the Women’s General Association of Macau has expressed hopes that the government can support maternal care through policy.
The Week is celebrated during the first week of August each year.
The entity explains that better maternal care will assist social sustainability, on top of an intimate relationship between mother and infant. The association added that breastfeeding has positive impact on the mental health of both the mother and the infant.
The association hopes that Macau can become friendlier towards maternal care and breastfeeding.
According to the group, the social environment for breastfeeding in Macau can be improved, so that mothers can feel more comfortable while breastfeeding or lactating.
To support breastfeeding and lactation, the association stated that policies can be developed in two directions: paid lactation hours and longer maternity leave.
Therefore, the it called for the government to institutionalize “paid lactation hours” by law, meaning that mothers can collect milk during office hours without being punished by their employers.
In addition, the entity believes maternity leave should be extended. It would not only provide more time for the mother’s recovery, but would also help encourage mothers to breastfeed their infants. AL

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