World briefs

Indonesia At least 20 people were killed yesterday, including three shot by police, in violent protests by hundreds of people sparked by rumors that a teacher insulted an indigenous student in Indonesia’s restive Papua province, officials said. More on p13

Philippines At least two workers were killed and another was injured yesterday when part of a small budget hotel they were demolishing in Manila collapsed, Philippine officials said.

Lebanon A senior United States Treasury official was visiting Beirut yesterday, where he’s explaining the motives behind recent U.S. sanctions targeting Lebanon’s Iranian-backed Hezbollah group, Lebanon’s central bank governor said.

Algeria An Algerian military tribunal yesterday opened an unprecedented trial of a brother (right) of former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika (left) and two ex-intelligence chiefs, over an alleged plot against the state.

Egypt Egyptian security forces rounded up hundreds of people following small but rare anti-government protests, rights lawyers said yesterday, as authorities moved to take harsh preventive measures against more unrest.

Kenya A school collapsed in Kenya’s capital yesterday and killed at least seven children, officials said, while some outraged residents alleged shoddy construction. Two other children were in critical condition.

Poland’s opposition yesterday called for the dismissal of the nation’s chief auditor following allegations that he let his house to a business which rented rooms by the hour and didn’t issue receipts.

Italy Authorities say a Bosnian man has been arrested for allegedly selling his daughter for more than 10,000 euros (USD13,300) for marriage to a cousin.

Germany Karl Muenter, a former SS soldier who was convicted in France of a wartime massacre but who never served any time for his crimes, has died in northwestern Germany. He was 96.

UK Britain has concluded that Iran was responsible for attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Sunday. He said the U.K. would consider taking part in a U.S.-led military effort to bolster the Gulf kingdom’s defenses, while Iran’s president announced plans for a rival Iranian-led security coalition.

UK Hundreds of thousands of travelers were stranded across the world Monday after British tour company Thomas Cook collapsed, immediately halting almost all its flights and hotel services and laying off all its employees. More on p14

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