CE meets with Cambodian Prime Minister

Hun Sen and Chui Sai On

Hun Sen and Chui Sai On

The Chief Executive met with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia on Monday at the Santa Sancha Palace. Chui Sai On and Hun Sen exchanged views on how to strengthen cooperation between Macau and Cambodia.
During the meeting, Chui noted that Macau and Cambodia have strong bilateral ties covering several areas, including tourism, business and trade. He said he hoped that Mr Hun Sen’s visit to Macau could help extend cooperation to other areas, such as culture, training of human resources and exchange of expertise.
Hun Sen, who is visiting Macau for the first time, said that cooperation between Cambodia and Macau could be intensified in three areas, namely trade, investment and tourism. He added that Cambodia already exports several agricultural goods to mainland China – chiefly rice – and could also increase exports to Macau.
According to a statement issued by the Government Information Bureau, the Cambodian Prime Minister said that launching direct flights between Cambodia and Macau would not only boost bilateral ties but also encourage exchanges between Cambodia and cities close to Macau.
Hun Sen attended the opening ceremony of the Global Tourism Economy Forum, that ended yesterday.

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