Gov’t to buy Hengqin land to install social facilities

4-paulo-barbosa-IMG_2116Aged care was a topic brought up by several lawmakers during the debate. The secretary Alexis Tam pointed out that the relevant services intend to strengthen community support, to uphold associations that provide care to the elderly population, and to invest in preventive medicine.
Alexis Tam indicated that the government has had several meetings with mainland authorities in order to buy land in Hengqin island and set up social services there. The secretary has been overseeing the process, and confirmed that he has participated in meetings that have taken place in Hengqin.
“In the future, we will have spaces in Hengqin for elderly homes, schools, hospitals and community spaces,” he said. “Of course, those spaces have a price and we are negotiating with Hengqin authorities, in cooperation with the central government.”
“The Chief Executive has noted that Hengqin island is really close to Macau,” Alexis Tam commented, saying that those of the older population who move there could travel to Macau “within five minutes.”
Besides the Hengqin facilities that are still to be confirmed, the secretary said that other social installations will be undertaken in revamped parts of the old neighborhoods, as well as in the new reclaimed land. PB

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