2022 Fringe Festival calling for proposals, deadline next month

The 21st Macao City Fringe Festival, which is organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), is scheduled to take place in January next year.
The organizer is now calling for proposals for program activities and performance venues.
Local artistic and cultural associations, curators, producers, independent artists, higher education students, and all those interested in artistic creation are invited to submit their proposals.
Applicants are encouraged to show “innovative and bold spirit proposals to break the barriers of traditional venues, to create works that highlight the characteristics and the cultural connotations of the city,” the IC said in a statement.
The submission deadline is 5 p.m. on July 9, 2021.
For the upcoming year, the festival will also include a new program category entitled “New Spark of Programmes Showcase,” dedicated solely to local higher education students. The maximum budget for the production of the selected programs is MOP20,000, and the selected groups will also be participating in a program preparation workshop, in which they will receive technical advice and equipment support from the organizers.
The IC said that with such a new addition it “is hoped that the event will help the industry to discover potential new talent, while providing practical opportunities for higher education students interested in artistic creation.” RM

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