In Las Vegas, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver discusses keeping eye on gambling

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said yesterday (Macau time) that he believes all leagues have to continue keeping an incredibly close eye on gambling trends within their sport,

Israelis block highways in nationwide protests of gov’t’s plan to overhaul judiciary

Thousands of Israeli protesters took to the streets yesterday and blocked highways leading to Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv as part of countrywide demonstrations against the

China signs pact with Solomon Islands to boost cooperation on ‘law enforcement and security matters’

The Solomon Islands has signed an agreement to boost cooperation with China on “law enforcement and security matters,” in a move likely to raise concerns among the South

China-US climate change cooperation boon for the international community

In yet another sign that both sides are making efforts to halt the downward spiral in China-US relations, John Kerry, US President Joe Biden’s special envoy for climate

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 – edition no. 4285

— The city’s hotel rooms will be fully available for the upcoming peak season following partial closures due to staff shortages * Taipa Ferry Aches — Concessionaire claims difficulties, lack of trust

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