MUST Dean chairs

Macau-Philippines medical partnership panels The Sino-Asia Pacific Medical Forum was established this week in Manila. Its envisaged purpose is to be a regional healthcare body which aims to tackle medical challenges facing Asia. The forum seeks to bring together doctors from around the world to address the needs of patients in the region – beginning with a preliminary series of panels held in the Philippines and in Macau.
During the event, Manson Fok, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST), and overall Chair of the forum, presided over several panels in both the Philippines and Macau in order to stimulate collaborative efforts as a means of “creating new ways of advancing science for the peoples of the Asia-Pacific.”
At the inaugural session in Manila, the Summit Chairman of the Sino-Asia Pacific Medical Forum, Billy Chan, said, “We are honored to have invited some of the best doctors and professors from all around the world to be present here in this important forum.”
Asia’s most influential medical associations and the some of the world’s most prominent scientists have also agreed to participate in the forum, including the Association of Medical Doctors of Asia, the Chinese Medical Doctors Association, and the Philippine Medical Association. Staff reporter

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