90% of teenagers not exercising recommended amount

A survey on health behavior of secondary education level students in 2022–23 has revealed that 90% of teenagers do not perform the recommended level of daily physical activity, the Health Bureau (SSM) noted in the “Healthy Macau Plan” for 2030, presented yesterday morning.

According to the results of the survey, most students in Macau do not comply with the World Health Organization standards that state that children and adolescents aged between 5 and 17 years old should have at least 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-high physical intensity activity.

The same survey also noted that over 70% of local students spend most of their extracurricular time using electronic screens engaging in entertainment media.

This, together with other unhealthy habits such as the low consumption of fruits and vegetables, is an example of one of the “challenges,” named in the plan under the broad umbrella of “practice of unhealthy lifestyles.”

WHO also suggests that the daily intake of fruits and vegetables should not be lower than five portions (around 400 grams) that, according to the same survey, 40% of Macau youngsters fail to do.

SSM also noted that at least 30% of the residents of Macau eat more red meat and salt than recommended.

SSM also said that the younger generation is poorly informed about these lifestyle choices and falsely believe that high blood pressure, high glycemia, and high lipids in the bloodstream are issues that only older people should be concerned with.

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