MECC pledges promotion of Macau-EU relationship

The Macau European Chamber of Commerce (MECC) celebrated its fifth anniversary yesterday, pledging to further promote the relationship between Macau and the European Union.

During the celebration, the chamber recalled its past activities including keynote luncheons and the pre-launch visit to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HKZMB).

The chamber said that it would continue to provide opportunities to visit and engage in discussion with different companies and entrepreneurs.

The MECC pledged that it would continue to promote business networking and set up collaborative initiatives in areas where European entities had expertise to offer to Macau.

Ambrose So, honorary chairman of the MECC and chairman of the board of directors of SJM, said in a speech during the cocktail celebration, “Over the past five years, we have actively engaged European enterprises and businesses in Macau through a multitude of channels and activities, highlighting Macau’s role as a platform for Sino-Western exchange.”

Meanwhile, the president of the board of directors of the MECC, Kevin Thompson, recalled that in the first nine months of 2018, merchandise imports from mainland China and the EU increased significantly year-on-year. “With economic power shifting to Asia, a new generation of opportunities comes into view, and for the Greater Bay Area, it is a view defined by the opening of the HKZMB, effectively bringing the metropolis within a one-hour living circle.” LV

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