Briefs | Third forum held to mark opening-up anniversary

Marking the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening-up in China, the last of three special forums was held yesterday. At the forum, senior government and military officials introduced the latest developments in disciplinary, supervisory, organizational, publicity, judicial and military reforms. The forum was broadcast live online and the officials responded to questions posted by viewers. The first two forums were held on Oct. 25 and Nov. 6, with government officials introducing the latest changes in various areas such as foreign affairs, education, science, environmental protection and rural development. China is unfurling celebration events for the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening-up. A major exhibition opened in Beijing yesterday with around 1,000 people attending the opening ceremony, according to state media outlet Xinhua.

Gaming revenue up, but tracking behind October

The first 11 days in November saw gross gaming revenue reach about MOP9.25 billion, according to estimates from HSBC Global Research. The revenue generated in the first 11 days of the month suggests an average daily run rate of MOP840 million per day, compared with MOP783 million per day during the same period last month. If extrapolated to the month’s end, November would record gross gaming revenue of about MOP25.2 billion, or approximately 8 percent less than in the previous month on account of October’s profitable Golden Week. Analyzed by segment, HSBC said that VIP daily volume was flat compared to October, while mass gross gaming revenue was down by 5 percent. Analysts also noted that the figures for the first 11 days might have seen a boost from the two full weekends during the period, when visitation numbers are generally higher.

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