The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) is studying the possibility of listing the former Iec Long Firework Factory in Taipa, the Bureau’s president Mok Ian Ian revealed yesterday.
“The IC is going to do a study aiming to classify this [Iec Long Firework Factory] property asset,” Mok said. “We know that the ownership of the factory is not yet clarified, so we do not yet have a development plan [for that area],” Mok said, also noting that the matter is not one of great priority to the IC, since at the moment “there [is] not any danger of [severe] degradation or ruins.”
The president of the IC justified the lack of a concrete plan and a timeline from the government for the site by drawing attention to the issues regarding the several court procedures that are still running, which involve the clarification of the land ownership, saying “there are still a series of issues to solve, namely the question of land ownership, which leads us to not yet have a precise answer on that topic.”
As stated in a warning notice posted at the entrance gate of the Iec Long Firework Factory in Taipa, the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau initiated on January 14 the removal of all objects and construction works from the site.
The notice also specifies that this task is being carried out in fulfillment of the Chief Executive order from April 24, 2017, which gave to the owners of such materials and objects a period of 60 days for the removal of all objects and constructions, and to vacate the land site. According to the notice, such works would cost the government MOP600,000.
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