(1924 – 1936 – 1948 – 1960 – 1972 – 1984 – 1996-2008)
Stable fortunes

In the Chinese zodiac the Rat belongs to the water element. This is the Year of the Pig, which is also of the water element. Accordingly, the Rat and the Pig are good friends and as there is no conflict of interest, for the people of the Rat sign the year 2019 will be more auspicious than that of 2018. There is the probability of doing business, especially in the logistics, aquatic products and the air transport sector. However, those who are involved in real estate leases should experience a decrease in their income. Salaried workers should maintain their income stability and there are no resignation crises during this year.


About one’s love life, since the Rat’s zodiac coincides with the star of love, both men and women who are not in a relationship will easily make new friends of the opposite sex, for whom they will develop feelings. In the case of married couples, there is concern about the occurrence of extramarital affairs. In the last five years, an evil star has been approaching and the approach is more expressive this year. This star may challenge the Rat’s family. The “stable fortune” is particularly strong, however, in the middle of the year it will be weaker. At the end of the year, it will regain its influence, conducive to entry into new markets at this time. The northern markets of the country will have the greatest advantages. “Stable fortune” and “occasional fortune” differ to the extent that stable fortune depends on income earned by labor, as is the case of wage earners.

Lucky direction: Both north and south are auspicious directions for the Year of the Pig

Lucky colors: Turquoise blue, silver grey, grey, blue, white

Lucky numbers: 7, 13

 OX 牛

(1925 – 1937 – 1949 – 1961 – 1973 – 1985 – 1997-2009)
 Keep a healthy lifestyle

In the Chinese zodiac the Ox is associated with the earth element, just as the Pig is associated with the water element. The Ox is not a friend of the Pig this year, and those born in the year of the Ox may encounter bad friendships. These bad friendships will try to get closer to the Ox, for example, by inviting him to play mah-jong or engage in leisure activities. You should take precautions to avoid being deceived. Be careful of the hypocrites, that is, those who pretend to be your friends but betray you later.

You will have health problems. Those over 60 are more likely to get sick. This year do not mourn families and do not eat any food offered by bereaved families (including water). As long as you do not enter the home of a grieving family, this evil star should not affect your life.

For the people involved in business, the prospects are positive as there are no threats from evil stars. This year your career has great potential for development. It is necessary not to be in a hurry or anxious, not to fear setbacks and to have perseverance; only in this way can you succeed. People who start a business for the first time can also advance with good a chance of success.

LOVE ✭✭✭✭

In love, you will be put to the test because someone will appear to sow discord between you and your partner, which may cause misunderstanding. The continuity of the relationship depends on what the destination has in store.

Married couples, on the other hand, can easily argue due to thoughtless behavior, undermining the balance of the couple. It is advised to be cautious in both words and actions to avoid undesirable problems. September will be the best month for relationships.

Employees should check the stability of their income. In your free time you should do training courses. The most indicated courses this year are those of languages, such as English, German or Japanese. Earnings from e-commerce will also increase.

Lucky direction: South

Lucky colors: Brown, grey, beige, white

Lucky numbers: 2, 12


(1926 – 1938 – 1950 – 1962 – 1974 – 1986 – 1998-2010)
A promotion on the horizon

Regardless of the circumstances, this year will not be as enjoyable as the previous year. Here, I’m referring to one’s love life. This is because this year there will be no arrival of a matchmaker star. Married people will often tend to neglect their partners because they will be busy at work. Divorced people know what they should value, and therefore, their love lives will be romantic.

LOVE ✭✭✭✭

In the Chinese zodiac, the Tiger belongs to the wood element and the Pig belongs to the water element. The Pig is the Tiger’s best friend. If your superior is a woman, you may be promoted this year. This is an extremely auspicious year for your career. Careful management will ensure positive development. This is a good time for great achievements. If you are a man and your superior is a woman, this will bring advantages. If you are self-employed and your clients are mostly female, you will likely achieve good sales results.

Though fortune smiles upon you, there will be setbacks. Even with a good salary, it will be difficult to maintain wealth or savings. It is not advisable to make large-scale investments or venture capital investments. Pay special attention to the months of May and August. According to the Chinese constellation, it is in this period that a greater amount of negative energy is felt, making it easy to lose your temper. You must keep your eyes wide open and be aware of how you relate to other people to prevent opportunists from causing you financial losses.

Lucky direction: East

Lucky colors: Dark green, turquoise blue

Lucky numbers: 1, 4


(1927 – 1939 – 1951 – 1963 – 1975 – 1987 – 1999-2011)
Love is in the air

This year a particularly malignant star is approaching: the one of disease. People of this sign may see their health affected. Particular attention must be paid to breathing problems, hands and feet. As a precaution, at the beginning of the year, older people should see the doctor to perform tests on the digestive system, especially a colonoscopy. Do not postpone issues related to your health. You should rest and take care of yourself, in order to avoid problems and misfortunes.

LOVE ✭✭✭✭

This year, leaders or executives of the trade sector should avoid the southwest position, because it’s a negative direction capable of distorting one’s state of mind and clairvoyance.

There is a good chance, in the first half of the year, for married couples to welcome the next generation. Couples are emotionally in tune willing to move forward together. Divorced people may find a new opportunity in love. As long as you remain in a good mood, the person you are looking for may be just around the corner.

Single Rabbits, during this period, should have a rare opportunity to meet someone. I suggest you keep proactively interacting with that person and put aside any bad mood. Only then new passion will arise.

Lucky direction: East

Lucky colors: Blue, orange

Lucky numbers: 0, 7


(1928 – 1940 – 1952 – 1964 – 1976 – 1988 – 2000-2012)
Cupid attack; You might get married

Cupid has knocked on your door. Couples who get married this year should have babies easily. In the Chinese constellation, the Dragon belongs to the earth element, the Pig to the water element. The Pig carries love to the Dragon. Thus, people of the Dragon sign can think of marriage. However, I must remind married women of the Dragon sign that they may have an extramarital affair. If they are not careful, this can easily result in divorce.

LOVE ✭✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

This year the Dragon comes across a wealth-destroying star. There will be a small loss or difficulty in accumulating wealth. With this in mind, the situation of people working in the financial sector should speak for itself. This is not a year for gambling or playing with luck. If you have extra money, the best thing to do is invest it in long-term saving deposits or in foreign currencies. In short, refrain from high-risk investments.

The most negative months in terms of fortune are May and October, so I recommend that you do two things this year. The first is to renew or to decorate the interior of your house, as a way of spending that money that you are doomed to lose; the second is to make a donation to organizations or associations dealing with children in need, especially those located in mountainous regions.

For salaried workers, the arrival of an auspicious star occurs. This is a gift. However, luck at work throughout the year may be compromised. The months of February and March will be the most important of the year. You will have to analyze the financial situation of your company and if your situation is problematic you should consider a change of job.

Lucky direction: Southeast

Lucky color: Yellow

Lucky numbers: 0, 10


(1929 – 1941 – 1953 – 1965 – 1977 – 1989 – 2001-2013)
Beware of generalized intrigue

In the Chinese zodiac, the Snake belongs to the fire element and the Pig belongs to the water element. Both are enemies of each other. Therefore, this year Snakes will face numerous difficulties at work: to work in vain, to be unfairly blamed, to have relationship problems with co-workers, to be a target of generalized intrigue. You have to be tough and not change jobs, because in a new work environment you may have to face even more problems.

LOVE ✭✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭

This year will see instability in your state of mind and constant mood swings. There will be those who will try to amplify this and spread rumors about you. Your sentimental life will be unpredictable and difficult to control. Married people will be affected by an evil star, which will make them stop trusting their partner. However, they should strive to maintain trust in the partners. Dialogue and understanding are the way to neutralize the evil stars.

In general, the arrival of a wealth-destroying star entails the loss of a lot of money, especially in November. You should be aware of that. Students will fall in love. Relationships need a lot of money, but you should still strive to maintain a sound financial attitude.

Lucky direction: South

Lucky colors: Red, green, purple

Lucky numbers: 2, 17


(1930 – 1942 – 1954 – 1966 – 1978 – 1990 – 2002-2014)
A year without flurries

For those who already have a loving partner, an auspicious star arrives this year. Have you thought about getting married? This is a good time to move forward with one of life’s most striking events and share it with your friends and family. If you do not already have a partner, this year is auspicious for finding one. In the first half of the year you will meet a new friend and you will get along very well.

LOVE ✭✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

In the Chinese zodiac, the Horse belongs to the fire element and the Pig belongs to the water element. If the Horses wish to do business, they should avoid doing so in December. Merchants should invest all their savings in their store. Some young people may borrow money from their parents, however, because they do not know how to invest it they will suffer a major setback.

Investors should not cooperate with persons of the sign of the Rat. They will certainly have divergent or contrary opinions. It will be a better choice to do it with people of the signs of the Goat, the Tiger or the Dog. The salaried people will have a year without flurries, the salary should be ideal, and they may even get a bonus when they least expect it. If you are involved in business, this year’s revenue is expected to increase considerably.

Lucky direction: South

Lucky colors: Red, green

Lucky numbers: 2, 7


(1931 – 1943 – 1955 – 1967 – 1979 – 1991 – 2003-2015)

Anger management is key

In the Chinese zodiac, the Goat belongs to the earth element and the Pig belongs to the water element. The Pig is not a friend of the Goat; on the contrary, they are rivals. This year a big evil star arrives that will destabilize interpersonal relationships. Those born under the sign of the Goat should be careful not to engage in irascible behavior, especially when it comes to co-workers who seek to cause trouble for no apparent reason. At work everyone will argue over irrelevant issues.

WORK ✭✭✭✭

This year there will be a lot of group meetings and those born under the sign of the Goat will have to go back several times to the businesses of customers. Contact with the latter will not always be harmonious and conflicts may occur.

Women will have to pay constant attention to their safety on the road to avoid unforeseen injuries.

In general they should be prepared for unforeseen events, such as flight delays and lost luggage or valuables. It is recommended to purchase travel and health insurance. In February they must donate blood or get their teeth cleaned – symbolic acts aimed at counteracting the influence of the evil star.

The year 2019 is also a year of greed. You may feel the urge to make some more money. You will feel like risking, even listening to friends who talk about buying and selling stocks. From the point of view of the configuration of the stars, the sign of the Goat anticipates a wealth-destroying star. It will be very difficult this year to accumulate wealth, so extreme caution is recommended.

Lucky direction: Southwest

Lucky colors: Brown, red, orange

Lucky numbers: 5, 0


(1932 – 1944 – 1956 – 1968 – 1980 – 1992 – 2004-2016)
A year of abundance and opportunity

In the Chinese zodiac the Monkey belongs to the metal element, the Pig belongs to the water. That is, the Pig is a friend of the Monkey. This year the Monkey has several positive days and will enjoy good health.

For salaried workers this will be the best of the last 12 years, with opportunities for promotion. That is why they should not resign, but instead must work hard. If they strive, in the second half of the year there will be great propensity for promotion.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

For women of the sign of the Monkey, especially for those dealing in the arts, this year is conducive to marriage, so indulge in passion. If you are already married, be careful, since the year 2019 is dangerous. Your behavior may lead you to lose your family. In short, your love life will be colorful, but you must be careful with the intentions of the opposite sex and frictions with your partner. You should keep in mind what really matters and focus on your partner.

This will be a fortunate year in terms of finance, being the source of abundant wealth, favorable for obtaining investment returns. Salaried employees may have the opportunity of a promotion. This promotion would not be easy to obtain, but as your superior will have a health problem, you will have the opportunity of taking the reigns. You should make the best of it.

Lucky direction: West

Lucky colors: White, gold

Lucky numbers: 4, 9


(1933 – 1945 – 1957 – 1969 – 1981 – 1993 – 2005-2017)
Do not hold grudges

The year of the Pig meets the sign of the Rooster. The Rooster cannot contain the hesitation of the Pig. This year there is a high probability of separating from a friend or breaking up the relationship with a partner. The passage of time may dictate a separation. Do not hold grudges because of money or misunderstandings.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

During your work meetings, pay attention to the people of the signs of the Rabbit, the Rooster, the Rat and the Dog. Pay attention to intentions. Sometimes they will nod their head, but they will conspire behind your back.

People who are doing business may feel an urge to exceed their previous achievements. Unfortunately, the circumstances are not the best. This year the investment climate is austere, as is the lack of income. But do not be discouraged, it is a global phenomenon and does not only affect the sign of the Rooster.

This is an auspicious year for women in a loving relationship, favorable for marriage. However, it is not possible to prevent the emergence of a bad friendship during the year. This person can destroy your relationship. This star of hypocrisy is merciless, so it will be better to choose an auspicious day to marry.

On the other hand, this is not exactly an ideal year in terms of wealth. If you need to get a loan, the bank may not grant it. If you want to buy a property, you must first save enough money, otherwise you will not be able to do it.

Lucky direction: West

Lucky colors: Black, blue, gold

Lucky numbers: 4, 9


(1934 – 1946 – 1958 – 1970 – 1982 – 1994 – 2006-2018)
Beware of April’s evil star

In the Chinese zodiac, the Dog belongs to the earth element and the Pig belongs to the water element. The Pig is not a friend of the Dog and therefore, the Dog will face problems at work this year. Your boss will not make life easy for you and your colleagues will take advantage of your fragility. On most work days, you will feel unhappy and will consider resigning. In fact, this is a wise decision, because after the dismissal you will be able to find a better job.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

As far as love is concerned, you will encounter an auspicious star. This star represents the happiness of the family and the fortune of a person. Luck will be on your side.

This is a good year for divorcees to reorganize their families, as they will find a new partner. This is a phase of family restructuring.

Pay attention to the month of April, because that month an evil star may affect you deeply. Do not choose the month of April to marry or to make major decisions.

Those who have not yet discovered love will, through a friend, meet a person of the opposite sex, who may be the “one”. Of course the “middleman” only does it out of sympathy. Love is very complex and, you will need to work on your ability to communicate, otherwise you will eventually separate.

People involved in business must do everything to preserve harmony. As long as you understand that “there are no eternal friends in the world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests”, all will be partners, no need to think too much.

Lucky direction: Northeast

Lucky colors: Brown, beige, red

Lucky numbers: 3, 9


(1935 – 1947 – 1959 – 1971 – 1983 – 1995 – 2007-2019)
Avoid making major decisions

You will be met with your first financial difficulties in 12 years.

Your parents will face health problems. Do not take them traveling abroad this year. Instead, take them to religious sites to absorb positive energy.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭

People involved in business will find it difficult to control the money movements in their favor. Banks will make it difficult to obtain loans and it will be difficult to get credit for housing. In the face of varied external interference, your economic situation will be impaired. It will be better to cease operations on the stock market and not to expand your business. In short, if you maintain a conservative stance, this will turn out to be a safe year.

In a year of bad luck, there are also online meetings, blind meetings, among other activities. All of them are representative of current days. When you develop feelings for someone, you will be deceived. You will not be able to forget that person, you will not be able to separate, and you will become obsessed with them and held in a virtual world for months on end.

During the year 2019, avoid making major decisions such as marriage. Given that the winds of fortune are unstable, unless it is impossible not to make a choice, it is better to act with restraint.

Lucky direction: North

Lucky colors: Red, green, dark purple

Lucky numbers: 1, 6 

This article was first published in Portuguese in MACAU magazine, No. 66, February 2019
Translation by MDT/KTranz

Categories Chinese Zodiac