World briefs

CHINA The European Parliament plans to add its voice to growing concerns in the Western world about alleged security threats posed by Chinese telecommunications companies such as Huawei Technologies Co. and ZTE Corp.

CHINA A Chinese navy fighter jet crashed during a training mission yesterday in Hainan, killing both pilots, the navy said. The crash took place in Ledong county in the mountainous and heavily forested tropical province and the cause was under investigation, the navy said on its official Twitter-like Weibo microblog.

IRELAND Aviation authorities have suspended all variants of Boeing 737 Max aircraft into and out of Ireland’s airspace as European aviation regulators respond to recent crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia.

AUSTRALIA The most senior Catholic convicted of child sex abuse will be sentenced to prison today in a landmark case that has polarized observers. Some described the prosecution as proof the church is no longer above the law, while others suspect Cardinal George Pell has been made a scapegoat for the church’s sins.

SOUTHEAST ASIA Production of methamphetamine is skyrocketing in Southeast Asia, with prices dropping and usage expanding, the United Nations’s anti-drug agency said.

BREXIT Today it’s finally decision day for Prime Minister Theresa May’s EU divorce deal. With Britain scheduled to leave the European Union in less than three weeks, U.K. lawmakers are poised to choose the country’s immediate direction from among three starkly different choices: deal, no deal or delay.

SOUTH AFRICA’s president endorsed Zimbabwe’s government yesterday, ignoring reports of human right abuses by the military to crush persistent dissent in the neighboring country. On a visit to Zimbabwe, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa voiced his strong support of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, repeating calls for an end to Western sanctions.

USA New York’s attorney general Letitia James (pictured) has opened a civil investigation into President Donald Trump’s business dealings, taking action after his former lawyer told Congress he exaggerated his wealth to obtain loans.

MMA Mix Martial artist and boxer Conor McGregor (pictured) was arrested in South Florida for stealing the cellphone of someone who was trying to take his photo, authorities said. The 30-year-old McGregor was arrested and charged with robbery and criminal mischief. An attorney for McGregor called the altercation “minor” and said the popular fighter would cooperate with authorities.

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