Briefs | 21 roadwork projects planned for summer

During the summer vacation, 21 roadwork projects will be carried out on main streets across town, the Transport Bureau (DSAT) announced yesterday. Nine projects will begin this month, with their estimated construction periods ranging between 14 to 90 days.  Four projects will cross into next year, according to the DSAT. One of the works consists of the exclusive bus lane project at Avenida do Coronel Mesquita with part of its pavement work to be conducted at night. This project in particular will be completed before the start of the new academic year.

Education subsides to increase for 2019/2020 year

Government subsidies for private and public education will be increased in the 2019/2020 school year, according to a dispatch published in the Official Gazette. The government increased its subsidies for students attending private schools that are not part of the free education network. It raised the subsidies for kindergarten pupils, primary school pupils and secondary school students to 20,300 patacas, 22,490 patacas, and 24,810 patacas per head, respectively, which represents an increase of 6%, 5.5% and 4.2% respectively, compared to the previous year. The subsidies for public education will also increase.

Imperial hotel land plan opposed by neighbors

A contingent of the property owners of the Edifício Chun Hung Garden have opposed the government proposal for the land plot of the former Beijing Imperial Palace Hotel.

The Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT) proposed that future buildings on the land be limited to a maximum height of 70 meters and 140 meters on two parts of the land. In the company of lawmakers Ella Lei and Leong Sun Iok, approximately 50 owners protested against the proposal. They worry that high-rise buildings will have a negative impact upon the ventilation, sunlight and light pollution in their community. The complainants also worry that a potential casino project will bring more tourists to the community and thus cause more problems to transportation within the area.

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